After a very busy few weeks here is the long overdue first look at our current litters. Piper whelped 7 pups on May 22nd, 5 males and 2 females. Tillie whelped 7 pups on May 23rd, 3 males and 4 females. Feather whelped a single male puppy on May 24th. All are doing great.
Since Feather only had one pup we placed one each of Piper’s and Tillie’s pups with her so the lone puppy had some company. The chestnut tricolor is hers, the one with the biggest back patch is Tillie’s the other one is Piper’s.
Piper’s puppies:
Tillie’s puppies:
The pups are beautiful!
What good Moms’.
A lot of very hard work; but, so worthwhile.
Love the little tail wags!
Oh, what a treat for all of us who don’t have to do the work! Thank you so much for posting.
Beautiful litter and Ms Tillie is a pretty little gal. When she looked at the camera, its very similar to a face i know oh so well (and a May 22nd birthday for the pups to boot).