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Blue- Sky x Heath

Blue’s owner Sue sent us these photos of Blue from recent trips in the field.  Blue is almost two years old, born early March 2010.

Two points on Huns.
He’s got Sharptails in the rest.
The last two are both shots of one point.  In Sue’s words- “He went into some deep grass and out of sight and when I found him he was on a nice solid point. This is the one he held so nicely when the sharptail decided to fly off one at a time, honking and flapping, he held for all of that. I was in front of him saying “Whoa” and he started to let down a little but held for me while I looped way out in front and flushed the rest of the flock, about 15 birds in all!”
Except for the first Hun point, all of these photos were taken during one outing last week.  Nice work Blue!

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October Setters