Spice whelped her pups Monday! She ended up with five males and four females. Three of the males are beltons so could be any color (the ones wearing ribbons in the video), one is tricolor, the other has small black patches on both ears so he’s either blue or tricolor. Two of the females are tricolor, one is blue, the fourth has a black patch on her left ear and is blue or tricolor.
Congratulations on a beautiful litter of pups. I look forward to watching them grow. Spice had them on Blue and Suzies birthday too! I think May is the perfect time to bring home a puppy, winter over and lots of time in the summer to socialize and play, then going into bird season at 6 months old, ready for some exposure and introductions. Gosh I wish I was ready to bring another pup home! Thanks for sharing pictures with us!